011 digital agency


Rank First or get your money back

Local seo agency with guaranteed 1st page ranking. 100% money back guarantee, affordable local SEO packages, high traffic, high ROI & high profits

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1st page ranking

Get help from one of our many specialists and rank on the first page with our local SEO services

97% Satisfaction

For the past decade, we have provided 97 percent customer satisfaction to our previous customers. Choose your local SEO package and join the other satisfied customers in receiving consistent but efficient local SEO services.

Affordable Prices

Enjoy the best local SEO services from as little as 999 ZAR today.

High ROI

Get a return on investments of up to 375% or more today with our local SEO services

SEO Specialists

Connect to one among 356 experienced and skilled SEO specialists today and beat your competitor

High Traffic

Our proven local SEO technics and strategies will boost your website traffic

High Profits

Maximize your company's profits by utilizing 011digital's local SEO services.

Local SEO projects
Clients worldwide

About Local SEO

Local SEO is one of the most important forms of search engine optimization. It’s the process of optimizing your website and the content you publish for local search so that you’re listed in local search engines like Google Maps, and local directories like Yelp and Foursquare.
Local SEO is all about getting your business to rank on the first page of search engine results for the keywords you’re targeting in your local area. That means you want to be on the first page of Google when someone searches for your locality or city, or even your company name.

Local search is a marketing strategy that uses local keywords to drive customers to local businesses. Local search includes keywords that are used to find products and services in a specific area. For example, if you own a pizza restaurant in South Africa. Put simply, it’s helping people find you when they search for your services on Google.
Local search is something that everyone is doing now but not everyone knows what it is. Local search is really important to your business if you are a brick-and-mortar business.
Local search is when people are searching for things close to them on mobile devices. If you know how to rank in the local search for your business, you have a huge advantage over the competition. It’s important to make sure that your business is showing up in local search results. When you do, you show up to the people who are looking for you locally.

One of the biggest advantages of local SEO is that it’s very local. If you’re a local business, you can impact your local search rankings by doing things like getting local citations, doing local press releases, and getting reviews.Local SEO is a way to market your business by using search engines to promote your business. Today, people use search engines to find everything, including local businesses. Local SEO helps increase a business’ online visibility by targeting the local market.
Local SEO is important because when your business appears on the first pages of search results, it increases your chances of getting more traffic and leads.Local SEO is very important because it allows your business to rank in Google Maps, which is the most important thing for your business’s SEO. You want your business to show up in the map results because it means people can find you when they’re looking for your business type.
Local SEO is great because it can be an effective way to get your business in front of the people who are most likely to need your services. It’s a great way to get your business in front of people who are looking for the kind of products and services you offer locally.
Local SEO is the best part of SEO because it’s such a direct measure of how you’re helping your current and prospective customers and clients. It’s the best way to get a real sense of how well you’re doing and whether you’re meeting their needs.
Local SEO is more effective than other forms of SEO because it’s more specific to your location.
Local SEO is more affordable than other forms of SEO.
Having your website is incredibly important for your business. Not only does it give you a space to talk about your business and its values, but it also gives you a space to talk about your services and your products. With local SEO, you can target a specific geographic area and compete with local businesses.
It’s crucial to have a local SEO strategy in place to make sure that you’re able to attract potential clients from your local area. Hiring an agency to do local SEO is the best idea.

Choosing the right local SEO agency can be a challenging task since there are a lot of factors to consider. You want to make sure that they’re going to be able to do everything that you need them to do and that they’re able to do it in a way that builds value for you over the long term.
Busines Goals
The best local SEO agency is the one that will be able to help you achieve your goals. Think about what you want to achieve and then choose an agency that has the resources and expertise to help you get there.
Experience in local Seo strategies
When choosing the best local SEO agency, you want to look at the results they’ve gotten for other businesses in your industry. Find out how long they’ve been around, their reputation, and ask for references and contact information for other businesses they have worked with.
Research about the local SEO agencies
The best way to choose a local SEO agency is to perform research on them and see what their previous clients have to say about them. There are lots of ways you can do this. Check their social media pages and read reviews of them online. Look at their website and see if they have case studies that you can read and learn from.
Local SEO agencies with physical addresses
A good place to start is to see if local SEO agencies have a physical address on their website. An agency that still has a PO Box or is maintaining a virtual office is not what you’re looking for. A physical address on their website is a great indicator that they are a legitimate business and have been in business for a while.
An up to date local SEO agency
Like when hiring any service or professional, it’s important to find someone who’s a good fit for you and your business. With SEO, it’s crucial to find someone who’s up to date on the latest practices and whose strategy is going to fit your business goals.

The first step to local SEO is to find out what your audience is searching for in your area.
Local SEO is all about getting your business listed on Google Maps and Google Search for local searches. Google Maps is a big deal because it’s the second most-used search engine after Google Search.
Local SEO is all about putting your business in the right place at the right time. It’s a great way to make sure your business is found when people are looking for your product or service.
011digital Local SEO services 011digital is one of the most innovative and effective ways to achieve your business goals on the internet. Their service is affordable, easy to use, and fast.

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Recent Local SEO Testimonials

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Believe it or not. 011 digital over marketed us. In a way that we failed to manage the traffic 011 digital was sending to our site. Out of 10 emails we managed to reply only to 1. The product was good but the company had no capacity to grow at the same rate with our marketing. And hellopeter.com was filled with bad reviews. As a result we had to close doors. I do recommend 011 digital as the best marketing company I have come across.
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We approached 011 digital in 2013. We were having around 15 clients who where giving us around R15 000 in profits which was not enough. As we wanted to grow our clientele basis. And profits. 011 digital managed to rank us first on our main keywords including "calendar printing". From 15 clients we went up to 67 clients including the foot brand Footgear. Our profits raised from R11 000 per month to 357 000 per month in 2 years. From October to January we are now making R3m on average in gross sales. All thanks to 011 digital.
Christian Lee
Christian Lee
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We were ranking around around 99. And our visibility was less than 1% in the printing industry. And now we are ranking 1st on almost every keyword in printing. I will forever grateful to 011 digital. And will always recommend you guys to my friends as long as they are not in printing.

Why choose 011 digital?

011 Digital provides the best service for Local SEO for the clients of your business. They are a company that gives its clients what they need in terms of their online marketing.

We’ll put you on the map!

We understand local businesses and we know what it takes to get you those much needed leads.

Our team is made up of local SEO experts that make local SEO work seem effortless. From making sure that your local business shows up on the map and is properly optimized to get you the results you are aiming for. We don’t over promise but assure that you’ll be updated on tweaks and big changes on your brand presence that’ll make you rank top, which is where all the good clients can find you.

Our process begins with finding out how much you’re willing to invest, a couple of questions about your business which may include confidential information that will be protected and you’re all set!

At 011 digital, we firmly believe in working smarter not harder! You’ll also get honesty, a personal service (because we believe in nurtured relationships), competence and results.

So what do our local SEO services entail?

  1. A business audit to check the status of your brand so far locally and current potential.
  2. Setting up. This will ensure that your brand pops up on all the relevant platforms that your buyer persona likely frequents.
  3. Google My Business profile. This is the cherry on the icing that introduces your business to search engines. We also look into Bing, Safari and Explorer but Google is always the default.
  4. Optimization and clean up. Your brand needs to be on the map and seem very active. This last process solidifies this notion and helps you to develop a good reputation with your customers.

Our priority is to ensure that your site is found on search engines like Google and Yahoo. Their second priority is to drive traffic to your website. And their third priority is to make sure that this traffic converts into actual sales for your business.
With 011digital Local SEO, they will help you achieve high brand recognition. Our Local SEO service is only applicable to customers in South Africa. They offer ranked websites in all cities and towns within South Africa. Don’t delay; contact their local SEO experts today!

011 Digital offers the most affordable and comprehensive local SEO solution on the market. They will focus on your results, not ours. Imagine if you could rank immediately for whatever you want to rank for, and get free targeted traffic flowing through your website. That’s what Local SEO is about.

011digital offers the most affordable and comprehensive local SEO solution on the market. They will focus on your results, not ours. Imagine if you could rank immediately for whatever you want to rank for, and get free targeted traffic flowing through your website. That’s what Local SEO is about.

Local SEO Case Studies

Local SEO Frequently Asked Questions

  • Local SEO positions you as big fish in a small pond, cornering your local market.
  • Grants a higher success rate since the pool of clients is typically small and niche.
  • Repeat business will happen more often.
  • Word of mouth still works and will help tremendously (reviews).
  • Grants the option to get more calls from clients that want work done ASAP.
  • Build long term relationships with your customers, increasing the likelihood of repeat customers.
  • Local SEO will help build a clientele faster.
  • Becoming an establishment on Google Maps with all business information listed.
  • Pushing for Great reviews on Google. Offer discounts or incentives to help get more reviews.
  • Having relevant keywords related to the business and its location.
  • Create content related to the local news of the area.
  • Focus on keywords related to the town and other nearby towns.
  • Use business directories such as Yelp and the Yellow Pages to increase the search range.
  • Stay active on Social Media.
  • Use your location name in meta tags, alt tags, H1 and H2 tags.
  • Having your location/town name in your Domain name.
  • Optimizing the site for mobile devices.
  • Use high quality images and ensure to add descriptions and alt text for all images.
  • Reduce the load time of the site as this can have an effect on the Google indexing.
  • Create sub-pages for other nearby towns for your services.


  • More powerful advertising spend for your clients.
  • Your clients will gain an advantage over local competition.
  • Google wants your clients to be found easily in a local search.
  • 5 star reviews will help your clients rank higher in local search.

For upcoming posts, we’re going to elaborate further on on the sections above with more details on pitching tips, stats, and strategies to help retain clients longer and to profit more. Making your clients happier, faster.

Local SEO Packages